It’s the dead of winter here in the Great White North, and I am bummed out. Rocks as usual to the rescue! It may be a bit premature, but I think it’s time to add a few things to the Green With Envy jewelry collection. How about some fresh green chrysoprase to get you in the mood? Paired with drop dead gorgeous chrysocolla? I feel better already!

If you or someone you care about is more of a glamour girl, these may do the trick:

Need something YOU can gaze upon while dreaming of the greenery to come? How about a glowing springlike chrysoprase ring? Here’s a splendid (over 32 carats!) smooth oval cabochon set in silver.

Since it’s the “blue” season, I picked a stunning piece of turquoise; reminiscent of tropical waters to round things out. This baby is a rarity since the mine it comes from, the Nacozari mine in Mexico has been shut down.

These pieces are available in the Green With Envy section of the shop, or in Get The Blues (click to link).
Here’s hoping the ground hog says an early Spring is coming! Remember you can email me with any questions here: I’d love to hear from you!
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