It’s been a roller coaster ride of a year here at the Leda Jewel Co. Usually I blog about my new “stuff”, but since I’m essentially a “one man band” and have been called away from my rocks a few too many times for “personal” reasons, this time, I got nothing.
Not all is lost however, I do quite a bit of work that doesn’t get posted or listed for sale, so for this New Year, let’s flash back to some stuff that I made in 2014 that you wouldn’t see otherwise:
Can you tell I love tourmalines! I’m glad other people do too. Did you know that “orchid tourmaline” is de rigeur” for a 28th anniversary? Well now you do!
My “Matchy Matchy” client sent me some more of her inherited pieces (and I mean literally “pieces”) to remake into something more wearable. Her grandmother had a fondness for coral, a lot of it was broken, it became this:
And to “match”:
Want something special just for you in 2015? Email me and we’ll make it happen. My email address is:
Happy New Year!
Of course I LOVE my earrings and necklace. Thanks so much for making them. They are wonderful! I hope you are well! 🙂