It’s been a roller coaster ride of a year here at the Leda Jewel Co. Usually I blog about my new “stuff”, but since I’m essentially a “one man band” and have been called away from my rocks a few too many times for “personal” reasons, this time, I got nothing.

Not all is lost however, I do quite a bit of work that doesn’t get posted or listed for sale, so for this New Year, let’s flash back to some stuff that I made in 2014 that you wouldn’t see otherwise:

Tourmaline Slice Earrings with Raw Crystal Drops

Watermelon Tourmaline Slice Earrings with Raw Crystal Drops


Rose Cut Tourmaline Earrings

Rose Cut Watermelon Tourmaline Earrings with Raw Crystal Drops

Rose Cut Watermelon Tourmaline Earrings with Raw Crystal Drops

Can you tell I love tourmalines! I’m glad other people do too. Did you know that “orchid tourmaline” is de rigeur” for a 28th anniversary? Well now you do!

Rose Cut "Orchid" Tourmaline Pendant

Rose Cut “Orchid” Tourmaline Pendant

My “Matchy Matchy” client sent me some more of her inherited pieces (and I mean literally “pieces”) to remake into something more wearable. Her grandmother had a fondness for coral, a lot of it was broken, it became this:

4Kate Coral Lavender Necklace

“Recycled” Coral Necklace With Other Goodies

And to “match”:

Recycled Coral Earrings with Purple Chalcedony, Sapphires & Pearls

Recycled Coral Earrings with Purple Chalcedony, Sapphires & Pearls

Rose Cut Sapphire Bangle with Briolettes

Rose Cut Sapphire Bangle with Briolettes

Want something special just for you in 2015? Email me and we’ll make it happen. My email address is:

Happy New Year!

