A couple of weeks ago I was plodding along, hoping for a little inspiration. I picked up a book entitled “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon. It’s one of those fun, quirky, little books that you can read in about 15 or 20 minutes.

In this post I’m going to take one of the suggestions and write about a few of my idols who make things that “inspire” me. In other words, the people I, um, steal from.

I’ve written before about Ted Muehling. He was one of the first to inspire me back in the 80s. I still drool over his work. Here’s a pair of earrings he made:

Ted Muehling Earrings

Ted Muehling Earrings

Here’s what they inspired me to make:

Pearl, Rutilated Quartz, & Rose Quartz Earrings

Pearl, Rutilated Quartz, & Rose Quartz Earrings

Irene Neuwirth makes serious jaw dropping jewelry. I yanked this image from the internet:

Irene Neuwirth Earrings - Chrysoprase Moonstone & Diamonds

Irene Neuwirth Earrings – Chrysoprase Moonstone & Diamonds

and made these:

Square Rose Cut Moonstone & Turquoise Miss Matched Earrings

Square Rose Cut Moonstone & Turquoise Miss Matched Earrings

My all time favorite Goddess of jewelry making is Judy Geib. Her work is so astonishing, it makes me weak in the knees. One day, I would like to grow up and become her. I have this image hanging up in my studio:

Judy Geib Opal Bracelet

Judy Geib Opal Bracelet

One of the most challenging pieces I’ve made (because of this image!) was this bracelet:

Square Aquamarine Cabochon Bracelet

Square Aquamarine Cabochon Bracelet

I would like to show my appreciation to these amazing artists, and to Ms. Geib in particular, for giving me the opportunity to “steal”.

Thank you.